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Selasa, 22 Juni 2010



Usaha peningkatan kesejahteraan petani sudah lama diupayakan di Indonesia dan lebih gencar lagi pada jaman orde baru dengan upaya Intensifikasi sehingga pada tahun 1984 Indonesia telah dapat ber-swasembada pangan khususnya beras.
Keberhasilan ini ternyata tidak berdampak luas terhadap kemakmuran petaninya, oleh karena itu sejak pemerintahan reformasi paradigma pembangunan pertanian diperluas dari sekedar peningkatan produksi ke peningkatan pendapatan petani.
Tulisan ini merupakan hasil dari tinjauan pustaka dan didalamnya saya akan menjelaskan masalah ekonomi pertanian serta pembangunan industri yang berbasis agribisnis di Indonesia.


Produksi pertanian yang melimpah ternyata tidak memberikan keuntungan kepada petani karena dua hal pokok, yaitu harga sarana produksi dan alat pertanian yang mahal sedangkan harga hasil produksi pertanian tetap murah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pembangunan dan pengadaan faktor produksi yang dibangun kurang terkait dengan kebutuhan pertanian.
Pembangunan pertanian yang hanya berorientasi pada peningkatan produksi tidak berpengaruh terhadap perubahan perekonomian masarakat yang tidak beranjak dari agricultural based economic yaitu perekonomian yang hanya digerakan oleh kelimpahan natural recourses and an skill based sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tetap bentuk primer.
Menyadari hal ini maka pemerintah merubah paradigma dari pembangunan pertanian kepada pembangunan agribisnis. Menurut beberapa pakar, seperti Soekartawi. 1991, Ikhsan Semaoen. 1996. dalam Renville Siagian, 1997. Memberikan penjelasan yang hampir sama dengan yang dikemukakan oleh J.H. David and R.A. Goldberg, 1957. dalam Saragih. 2000. yaitu “The sum total of all operations involved in the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies; production operations on the farm, processing and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them”
Agribisnis secara utuh mencakup 3 sub sistem, yaitu:
Pertama: Industri hulu (off farm) atau agribisnis hulu yaitu industri yang menghasilkan input pertanian (the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies).
Kedua; production operations on the farm atau on-farm agribisnis.
Ketiga; Industi hilir (off farm) atau agribisnis hilir yakni industri yang mengolah hasil hilir yaitu industri yang mengolah hasil pertanian menjadi produk jadi, baik intermidiate product maupun produk akhir (storage, processing and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them).


Pembangunan sistem agribisnis akan dapat mentranformasikan perekonomian Indonesia dari agricultural based economy dengan produk utama (natural resources and un-skill labor intensive) kepada industrial base economy dengan produk utama bersifat capital and skill labor intensif dan kepada technology base economy dengan produk utama bersifat knowledge and skill labor intensive.
Pembangunan pertanian, industri, dan jasa harus dilaksanakan secara terpadu. Pembangunan industri pengolahan di Indonesia secara maksimal harus menggunakan bahan baku yang dihasilkan pertanian di dalam negeri. Sebalinya peningkatan produksi pertanian harus diikuti oleh perkembangan industri pengolahan.
Selanjutnya, perkembangan industri mesin dan peralatan harus dapat menyediakan mesin dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan oleh pertanian dengan harga yang murah dan spesifikasi yang sesuai dengan pertanian Indonesia. Industri perbenihan dan pembibitan juga harus mendapat perhatian karena benih/bibit merupakan cetak biru pertanian.
Membangun agribisnis berarti mebangun pertanian, industri, dan jasa yang harmonis dan simultan. Misalnya, pembangunan pabrik gula diikuti oleh pembangunan pembibitan tebu yang unggul dan perluasan perkebunan tebu, peningkatan jasa transfortasi untuk mengangkut input dan output pertanian, dilain pihak industri kemasan juga dapat dikembangkan.


Pembangunan agribisnis akan berhasil jika diawali dengan perencanaan yang baik, yaitu:
1. Perencanaan program agribisnis harus dilaksanakan dalam kawasan ekonomi yang luas menyangkut satu atau beberapa propinsi yang memiliki kesamaan karakteristik ekonomi.
2. Pemerintah memberikan insentif yang nyata terhadap insvestor yang membangun industri dengan bahan baku hasil pertanian lokal.


Pembanguan pertanian yang terlepas dari pembangunan industri dan jasa tidak akan merubah perekonomian Indonesia yang berbasis pertanian.
Membangun agribisnis berarti membangun industri, pertanian dan jasa sekaligus. Tetapi membangun pertanian saja tidak akan terkait dengan pembangunan industri dan jasa.


Effort the improvement of prosperity of farmer have been long enough been strived in Indonesia and more intensively again at New Order era with Intensification effort so that in the year 1984 Indonesia have earned of self sufficiency in food specially rice.
In reality, this efficacy do not affect wide to prosperity of farmer, therefore since governance of reform, paradigm development of agriculture extended from simply product increase to improvement income of farmer.
In this article, I will explain difference between agriculture and system of agribisnis and also development at every system sub of agribisnis.


According to Mosher, 1965. Agriculture is typical production process which by virtue of animal and plant. While in guidebook published by IPB. Bogor, Agriculture is all link process cropping of sun energy directly through other supporter process and photosynthesis for human life including science aspect, technological and social, and include; food crop, horticulture, ranch, fishery, forestry and plantation.
Agro product which abundance in the reality [do] not give advantage to farmer because two important matter that is buying input produce and costly agriculture appliance, while price sale of output produce at the price of cheap. Factors of production development separately and reside at and shares of different power.
Development of agriculture which only orienting [at] product increase [do] not have an effect on to change of economics of society, not to stir a pag of agricultural based economic, that is economics which only movement by what overflows of natural recourses and an skill based so that yielded product remain to form primary. This matter disagree with dynamics and growth of economics either through macro and also micro.
According to some is expert of congeniality of agribisnis shall be as follows:
1) Soekartawi. 1991, concept of Agribisnis is an intact concept, start from production process, process result, marketing, and other activity related to agricultural activity.
2) Semaoen. 1996. in Siagian, 1997. Agribisnis is a business activity related to sector of agribisnis, including company of input supply of agribisnis (upstream-side industries), producer (agricultural-producing industries), processor of product of agribisnis (downstream-side industries), and transportation service, monetary service (agri-supporting industries).
sub of System agribisnis consist of: upstream industry (off farm), agro product operational (on farm) and downstream industry (off farm). This matter as according to concept early submitted by J.H. David And R.A. Goldberg, 1957. in Saragih. 2000 is, the following: : “the sum total of all operations involved in the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies; production operations on the farm, processing and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them”
Agribusiness completely consist of three system sub, that is:
First; upstream agribusiness that is industry-yielding agriculture input. (the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies).
Second; production operations on the farm or on-farm agribusiness.
Third; agribusiness go downstream that is industrial activity which process end result, that is industrial activity which process agricultural produce become product become, that is intermediate product and final product. (storage, processing and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them).
Important realizing of him is improvement of farmers income and devise from agriculture sector, hence needing change of orientation including:
- product increase to improvement of farmers income
- self sufficiency rice to self sufficiency in food
- accomplishment of food amount to Quality of food, and
- carbohydrate consumption to kind of food


Development of agribusiness must be done inwrought, continuation and include five system sub, that is:
First. Up-stream agribusiness namely industry yielding capital assets to agriculture, like plant seed industry and animal, industrial of agrochemical (fertilizer, pesticide, livestock vaccine) and automotive agro (machine and equipments of agriculture) and also its supporter industry.
Second. Agribusiness on-farm that is activity using capital assets and of natural resources to yield commodity agriculture of primary. Included in this matter is farm of food crop and horticulture, drugs crop, plantation, fishery including the effort arrest of fish, ranch, and forestry.
Third. Down-stream agribusiness that is industry which process commodity agriculture of primary ( agro-industry) become product, that is intermediate of product and also final product. Including in it food industry, industrial of beverage, industrial of natural fiber goods (rubber goods, plywood, pulp, paper, made construction materials of wood, rayon, cotton and yarn/silk, husk goods, gunny sack and string), industrial of bio-pharmacy, agro- tourism and also esthetics.
Fourth. Sub system Marketing, activities to smooth the way marketing of commodity agriculture of fresh goodness and also which have been processed in and beyond the sea. Including it activity of distribution to smooth Commodity current of center produce to consumption center, promotion, market information, and also market intelligence
Fifth. Sub System supporter and service, providing service to system sub of agribusiness upstream, farm and of agribusiness downstream. Including in this system sub is development and research, insurance and credit, transformation, education, counseling and training, information system and government wisdom support (micro of economics, Plano logy, macro of economics)


Development of agribusiness need clear planning, continuation and become loaded to creation prosperity of farmer, therefore, the matter which must be paid attention is:
1. Planning of agribusiness program has to be executed in wide of economic area concerning one or some province having equality of economic characteristic.
2. Local government give real incentive to investor developing industry with local agricultural produce raw material.
3. Formed by a cooperation organization between entrepreneur input produce and agriculture appliance, farmer, and entrepreneur which process agricultural produce.


Sector of Agribusiness handled real correctly will give impact at improvement of economics of society as well as improvement of income of area geniuses, like other sector in public service and commerce of public.
Develop agribusiness mean to develop industry, service and agriculture at the same time. But developing just agriculture will not related to development of service and industry.


1. Mosher, AT. 1965. Menggerakkan dan Membangun Pertanian. Publisher: CV. Yasaguna,

2. Departemen Pertanian. 2001. Pedoman Umum Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Agribisnis.

3. Renville Siagian, 1997. Pengantar Management Agribisnis. Publisher : Gajah Mada University Press. Jogja

4. Saragih, Bungaran. 2000. Membangun Sistim Agribisnis, Suara dari Bogor. Departmen Pertanian

5. Soekartawi, 1991. Agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasinya. Publisher : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.

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